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Innovation has always been at the forefront of MinTech’s product development process, and the new OMRI Listed® MinTerra solutions are proof that it is key to reaching new markets.


We are delighted to share that MinTech was recently featured in the Innovation spotlight of California Business Journal.  Read on for a preview of the article.




MinTech’s Unique Organic Dust Control Substances Reduce Airborne Dust by a Staggering 97 Percent


Before Harry Heydorn joined material-handling company MinTech, he worked as an engineer for a major coal-fired power utility company, where he faced a plague that became his business to eradicate: dust.


Every day, workers at the power plants moved coal out of the piles and conveyed it through the plant where it was crushed into a powder and then burned. They transferred tens of thousands of tons of coal an hour on conveyor belts moving 45 miles an hour, generating clouds of dust at every transfer point, and every time it was ground or pulverized.


Uncontrolled, most sources of dust in plants and mining operations lingers in the air, and is breathed into the lungs of workers, causing them major health problems such as silicosis and the infamous black lung disease.


“The main reason we’re eliminating and reducing dust is for the people, whether it’s the operators making the product, or somewhere downstream where there may be a transfer, or where they’re transloading materials, all the way down to the end users and any communities who could be affected,” Heydorn says.


MinTech recently launched MinTerra™, a new and unique line of dust control solutions for the fertilizer industry, which like the coal industry, must manage the levels of dust created by material handling processes in order to protect workers and communities alike.


MinTerra DustAid

MinTerra DustAid helps reduce fertilizer dust by 97%


Read the entire article here:

Learn more about MinTech’s MinTerra solutions here:


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