Momar's EPA Safer Choice Product Program
The Greenaction brochure contains information about the EPA Safer Choice Program and Green Seal, the criteria that all Greenaction products must meet. Also includes information about all of the Greenaction products:
- Brute*
- Dash
- Envision
- Green Heat Concentrate
- Green Heat Ready-To-Use
- Hammer 64X Concentrate
- Hammer Ready-To-Use
- Handtastic Foamy Grapefruit
- Lucent 20X Concentrate
- Lucent Ready-To-Use
- Magnet 128X Concentrate
- Magnet Ready-To-Use
- Neutrox
- Oomph 4X Concentrate
- Oomph Ready-To-Use
- Passage
- Pry-Bar**
- Respond 3X Concentrate
- Respond Ready-To-Use
- Tough As Nails Green**
- Vigor
*Brute is not recognized by EPA SaferChoice. It meet Momar's EnviroPact requirements.
**Tough-As-Nails and Pry-Bar meet Green Seal™ Standard GS-40 based on effective performance and protective limits on VOCs and human & environmental toxicity.
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