Biodegradable, Bio-Based, Humectant-Fortified, Emulsifiable Dust Suppressant
Dust Suppression >
Road dust
Division: MinTech
Enhances water truck treatments on dirt and gravel roads, haul roads, race tracks, horse rings, cart paths, bike trails, etc. Extends water by reducing the evaporation rate, thereby reducing the number of water applications required to control dust. Establishes hydrogen bonds with water to increase moisture retention within soil and rock. Ideal for many process dust suppression applications including mining, fertilizer manufacturing, coal handing, gypsum handling, limestone handling, etc.
- Colorless upon addition to water
- Non-flammable - contains no alcohols
- Resists freezing depending on dilution rate
- Non-corrosive - contains no salts or chlorides
- Non-toxic - contains no SARA Title 313 reportables
- Improves air quality and increases safety and visibility
- 10-20 gallons per 1000 gallons of water can double treatment intervals
- USDA Bio-Preferred FP - 100% Certified Biobased Content
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