Food-Grade, Full Synthetic Multi-Purpose Oil
Lubrication >
Food grade oils
Food Processing > Lubrication
Division: LuBest
Extemely versatile lubricant for use in hydraulics, compressors, vacuum pumps, blowers, gearboxes, and other applications in food plants and industrial plants. Formulated to provide anti-wear and extreme pressure properties to protect machine parts.
- Colorless, odorless
- Water-resistant to reduce washout during routine washdowns
- Also available in 22, 32, 46, 68, 100, 220, 320, 460, 80W90, and 80W140 viscosities
- Anti-oxidants prevent formation of harmful acids that break down oils and destroy metals
- Unique synthetic blend designed to provide superior performance over conventional lubricants
- Complies with U.S.D.A. H1 — and FDA Title 21, Part 178, Section 178.3570 and Part 172, Section 172.878
- Extreme pressure additives and anti-wear additives provide maximum protection during severe service conditions
- Kosher Certified
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