
Concentrated, Selective Broadleaf Weed & Brush Killer

Trimec® based formulation kills even the toughest weeds -- roots and all.  Does not harm turf grasses like St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass, bahiagrass, fescues, bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass. Triple action formulation contains a highly effective blend of 2,4-D, Dicamba, and MCPP to kill through the leaves and the roots and provide sustained vegetation control.

  • Rainproof in 6 hours
  • One quart covers up to 10,000 sq. ft.
  • Safe for use on residential and ornamental lawns, vacant lots, playgrounds, and other similar areas where broadleaf weeds are present
  • Controls dandelion, chickweed, knotweed, plantains, clover, bedstraw, purslane, ragweed, lambsquarters, black medic, buckhorn, wild lettuce, shepherdspurse, and peppergrass
  • Especially effective on all hard-to-kill weeds such as poison ivy, poison oak, sheep sorrel, spurge, chicory, dock, ground ivy, healall, lespedeza, mallow, morning glory, oxalis, pigweed, speedwell, virginia buttonweed, wild carrot, wild onion, and yarrow
  • EPA registered: 2217-540-1553
Item Designations:
EPA Registered Pesticide or Minimum Risk Pesticide   

BP-6000 is prohibited for sale into states that are not listed below until it is registered with the appropriate state agency. See your Momar Representative or contact us for more information.

BP-6000 is EPA registered for sale in the following states:
AL , GA , SC

BP-6000 is prohibited for sale into the states listed below.
See your Momar Representative for alternative solutions or contact us for more information.